You will be able to experience another aspect of real Tokyo’s art scenes.

This platform is still a concept, We want someone who will make it together.

Artist List

There are a lot of talented artists you don’t know in Japan. We want to help you connect with artists. This service just started. If you want to meet the artists who have not been registered on this website, you can request for us to arrange the contact with them. →Artist List

This is just a list of Japanese artists. It is not a list participating in Open Studio Tokyo.

Make connections

The tendency of Japanese artists who have been introduced to the world seems unbalanced. We wonder why? There are many reasons, such as, well-known artists are repeatedly shown / introduced from specific communities (limited friends) / Many artists are not providing their information in English / You do not know how to discover Japanese artists, etc. →CONTACT US

Our Team

The Tokyo metropolitan area is the largest area in Japan with a population of over 37 million people. Wikipedia says 34% of the population in Japan is concentrating to this metropolitan area. Paying high rent is a big burden on artists, so that the artists’ studios are tiny. Some artists’ studios are at home. You will be able to experience another aspect of real Tokyo’s art scenes. →Our Team

Meet our team

This site is a beta version and we collecting more information now. Please contact if you want more detailed information or analyzed information.



Assistant of flower artist.
My hobby is photography, animation, walking, antique. I have recently been thinking about environmental problems and hope to connect to art. Even if it is imperfect, I think it is important to change while being beautiful and sustained. And it’s art.
I support the research of the artist.




I graduated in Artist Course at Kyushu Designer Gakuin in 2000. I worked at Akiyoshidai International Art Village (Yamaguchi, Japan), Nakanojo Biennnale (Gunma, Japan). I support artists research and exhibition.

Yumi Song

Yumi Song

Artist ,Curator, Writer

Unlike how artists or architects may draw a complete plan of the tower of Babel, I cannot instruct on what is the future of our ideal, or to change where people are heading by drawing. However, if each one of us can recognize ourselves, even if the vector of one's foot can move slightly, then, there'll be a big change in the word ahead. I believe Art and Architecture can contribute this small, yet important accomplishment to the world.


This message will arrive at the administrator of this site, then it reaches the artist. If the artist asks you for an identity card, please submit. Then you will receive replies from artists.

Find us at the office

〒112-0002, 4-16-6-2F, Koishikawa, Bunkyoku, Tokyo, Japan


This message will arrive at the administrator of this site, then it reaches the artist.
If the artist asks you for an identity card, please submit. Then you will receive replies from artists.

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